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tv   The Young Turks With Cenk Uygur  Current  August 16, 2012 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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[ ♪ theme music ♪ ] >> cenk: welcome to "the young turks." we've got a great show ahead for you guys. obama hits the republicans so hard, they all started crying together at the same time. >> romney: the kind of divisivenings that i think is unbecoming of the president, and the comments of the vice president as well. >> there is a lot of mud-slinging going on. the debates we're having are big debates. >> cenk: we'll tell you more about that. and then julian assange hero orvilleage. >> outside of ecuador's embassy. one side doesn't want them to arrest july january julian assange.
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>> cenk: here's my hint what i think about that. let him go. let him go. i'm going to prove that case. trying to get assange to the u.s. is ridiculous. then four republican lunatics. one crazier than the next. including this guy who is setting up the cd did who obama's real father is. >> the breathtaking greed of a few. >> the reaching hands of the little people. >> cenk: cuckoo for cocoa puffs. it's showtime. [ ♪ music ♪ ]
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>> cenk: now president obama has been pounding mitt romney and the republicans for months now and they say we're so hurt we're all going to cry together in unison. in fact, they've turned their crying and asking for a wah-bulence into talks. it's obviously talking points that they gave to everyone. here is the crying/lying attacks of the republicans. >> romney: a campaign that has been as divisive as this campaign has been. >> it's the most divisive campaign we've ever had. >> it's a divisive act. >> romney: the kind of divisiveness that i think is unbecoming of the president. >> it's beneath the dignity of the office of the president.
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>> governor romney is right when he says that the obama campaign is running a divisive campaign. >> we're not a divider. >> they have new lows and every day they surprise us. >> this whole change has become smear. it has become slander. it has become character assassination. it has become one of the dirty dirtiest campaigns in history. >> who knows what they say behind closed doors. >> the campaign is based on frustration. >> these are comments that i think a lot of people find troubling. >> cenk: in other words, wah wah, wah. and these guys are complaining. the party of birthers. the party obama stole your money. can you believe what obama did to you?
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and they want reparations for black people. but you know what, the president is keeping it cool. being interviewed oh, are they complaining? interesting. >> governor romney has had critiques of me and my policies. that's how it should be. i have sharp disagreements with him in terms of where he would take the country. >> is there any way we can change that, where we can have a campaign where there is not so much of the mud slinging. >> you know, the truth is, i got to tell you, there is not a lot of mud-slinging going on. the debates that we're having are big debates. >> cenk: mud-slinging what is that? are they still crying? is that what is still going on. the republicans they punch and then they smile. what? it's a fascinating turn around here. ryan is going to go out there and do that same 'ol line, oh,
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obama stole the medicare money. but there is a huge problem with that. >> what he probably did not mention yesterday is when he passed his signature healthcare achievement, obama-care, he raided $715 billion from medicare to pay for obama-care. [ booing ] >> cenk: raided medicare. i can't believe he raided medicare. now here is the problem. his plan for that particular provision in medicare takes the same amount of money out. keeps that same savings--it's not true that he raided it. it's saving. believe me, i think the democrats are going to cut medicare, and then i'm going to be livid, but this ain't that moment. this is really good savings. you should give paul ryan credit because that's one point of his budget that he keeps the same provision that obama has. and it's a good provision.
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he said, oh my god he raided medicare. wait until you see what john sunnunu, the main attack dog says about this plan. >> when obama gutted medicare the romney plan does not do that. the ryan plan mimics part of the obama package there. >> cenk: oh, so the ryan plan did mimic the ryan panel. there he is admitting it. did you notice what was on the podium? as ryan is speaking, you--zoom it in there oh, the romney plan. no not the ryan plan. not the ryan plan. that's exactly the same as the obama plan in this provision. the prom any plan romney plan. so when he's giving that speak
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and saying, oh, they're stealing from medicare, he has the same plan. and it turns out it's paul ryan. saying that his own plan would raid and steal from medicare. fools. now romney will explain no, my plan is all right. it's all right. >> romney: no change. the plan stays the same. no adjustments. no changes, no savings. the president's plan cuts medicare--excuse me--well, let's see, i got--there we go, by $716 billion. cut. >> cenk: i like how they're copying "the young turks" now. we did a white board last week. all of a sudden they're doing a white board. i doubt they'll be as popular as us. i love in that clip how he's
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writing it down. romney, no change. with romney, no change. president obama ran a change campaign in 2008. that was wildly successful. romney running the no-change plan. these guys do not know what they're doing. that is not an effective message no matter how you're doing it. but it gets working. romney reintroduces the topic of his own taxes. my god man how stupid are you? in for the past seniors i never paid more than 13%. i think the recent year is 13.6%. pay taxes every year. harry reid's charge very false. i'm waiting for harry to put up who told him but i don't believe it, by the way. every year i pay at least 13%. >> cenk: you are presenting no evidence, but you have the
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evidence. harry reid present nod evidence. well, neither did you. and changing the topic with the pick of paul ryan. that is so stupid. romney in the middle of the ring and who will drop his elbow on him? it's romney. punching them in the face over and over we know. at least the campaign for boom putting out this stomach that is so offense. there is substantial reason to doubt his claims, we have a simple message for him:prove it. given mitt romney's secrecy we have and the inconsistency it's between this one return and his other financial disclosures he has forfeited the right to have us take him at just his word. romney is like threw a softball out there.
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yes, trust me, dammit now i think he should release them. too easy drill charge, too ease. now we need to have a confidential about what romney should be doing. it's really fun. is it a bird? i think i halfway screwed that up. is it a nerd, is it a brain. >> turns out it's a nerd. >> cenk: michael, talk to me. this whole strategy going back to taxes and medicare, is it wrong in the grand scheme of things. >> it is wrong if romney does not speak up and talk about his taxes. if his taxes have become an issue for the campaign. if they come out then that's an issue. but the point is everything that we're doing. everything that they're doing is taking us away from any kind of conversation on the economy. >> cenk: every day that we don't
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talk about the economy is the day that mitt romney is off his message. reintroducing these topics is stupid, not just on a micro level, but on a macro-level. i don't think they realize that the election is slipping away from them. talk to us about alex cast castilano. i guess he is a smart guy. when asked when should they release the taxes. what would you do if you were advising mitt romney on these taxes. he said, i'd advise mitt to release 10 years of tax returns when obama releases ten years of birth certificates. >> they're the divisive party. the democrats are being so divisive, and ten years of birth certificates? by the way he already released it. god, they're so stupid. michael, i'm out of time. god bless your heart. remember what michael said, it's the most important thing. it's all about the economy. every day that romney does not talk about the economy is the day that he screwed up.
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but shh don't tell him. when we come back we'll come back and talk about julian assange. look, i think you need to let him go. this whole case against him is nonsense. i interviewed julian assange earlier. >> sarah palin top republican leader who might run for president again. >> just another idiot trying to make a name for himself. >> cenk: i'll tell i couldn't assange should not be pursued by the u.k. or the u.s. and then later in the program kelsey grammar said he was screwed by hollywood because he was a conservative. >> i'm a declared, out of the closet republican out in hollywood. [ ♪ music ♪ ] >>i jump out of my skin at people when i'm upset. do you share the sense of outrage that they're doing this, this corruption based on
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corruption based on corruption. >>i think that's an understatement, eliot. u>> i'm not prone tot. understatement, so explain to me why that is. i think the mob learned from wall st., not vice versa. so, you guys grew up together. yes, since third grade... what are you lookin' at? not looking at i anything... we're not good enough for you. must be supermodels? what do you model gloves? brad, eat a snickers. why? 'cause you get a little angry when you're hungry. better? [ male announcer ] you're not you when you're hungry™. better. [ male announcer ] snickers satisfies.
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you want to save money on car insurance? no problem. you want to save money on rv insurance? no problem. you want to save money on motorcycle insurance? no problem. you want to find a place to park all these things? fuggedaboud it. this is new york. hey little guy, wake up! aw, come off it mate! geico. saving people money on more than just car insurance.
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we have a big, big hour and the i.q. will go way up. how are you ever going to solve the problem if you don't look at all of the pieces? >>tv and radio talk show host stephanie miller rounds out current's morning news block. >>you're welcome current tv audience for the visual candy. >>sharp tongue, quick whit and above all, politically direct. >>you just think there is no low they won't go to. oh, no. if al gore's watching today... [ ♪ theme music ♪ ]
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>> cenk: all right, we're back on "the young turks." the first question we got for you is where in the world is julian assange? well, he was in the u.k. and there was of course an effort to extradite him to sweden based on some so-called sex charges. there he is now. where, there it is, he sought asylum in ecuador and they granted him asylum. is he afraid of what sweden is going to do with him? no. he's afraid of what the u.s. will do to him. >> the founder of wikileaks is wanted pi sweden for sex crimes, but he's really worried about the u.s. government. wikileaks expose vast american secrets about wars in afghanistan and iraq. the u.s. will put him on trial that could end with the death penalty. >> cenk: i would be concerned
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with that, too. apparently journalism in america might result in the death penalty. first i want to give tremendous credit to the government of ecuador who stood up to this. the u.k. threatened to raid the embassy to get assange out. that put them over the top. the foreign minister said, no one is going to terrorize us. we are not a british colony. it would be a gross violation of international law if the u.k. did raid their emabout as is. the u.k. said, quote under our law, you're under binding obligations to extradite him to sweden. we remain committed to a solution that allows us to carry out under an extradition act.
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that's absurd. in england when spain tried to extradite pinochet. they say we are not going to extradite him. but julian assange did not wear protection when he had sex we're going to extradite him. the minute he leaves, the british will arrest him. i do--what assange said about bradley manning because i interviewed him. >> do you think bradley manning is one, a hero, and two, do you think the american government is treating him wrong by keeping him isolation to sore long. >> if we are to believe the
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allegations, then this man acted for political reasons. he is a political prisoner in the united states. >> cenk: i think that's exactly what assange has become now. now that he cannot leave the embassy at all. in fact, it reminds me of a situation with a chinese chin wang chang. the chinese government wanted to capture him. they didn't want political dissent. apparently we don't want political dissent. so somebody has to seek asylum from us. why am i saying that it's constantly about us when it appears that sweden wants to extradite him on sex charge. that's absurd. it has nothing to do with the sex charge. do you know he's not charged by sweden? they want him for questioning. do you know that assange says, i am perfectly happy to go to
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sweden tomorrow. the only thing i need is that they promise not to extradite me to the united states. sweden said, oh, no, no, we can't do that because they're going to extradite him. sweden i got a clue for you. you want to question him about those charge. no problem. here this is a webcam. you hook it up, and you know what happens? you can tomorrow, today this evening, you can question julian assange all you like. this has nothing to do with questioning julian assange. it has everything to do with getting him to sweden so they can extradite him to the united states. so the u.s. government can say how dare you do journalism. how dare you reveal our secrets. how many people were harmed because of wikileaks? none. they have never presented any evidence that anyone was harmed by wikileaks except the pride of
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the politicians in the united states. oh how dare you. you showed people that we killed journalists in iraq. how dare you. you showed people that we killed 15,000 civilians in that war in iraq. all those civilians died that people didn't know about. how dare you, how dare you do that act of journalism. we're coming for you. and sweden with their nonsense sex charges. let me show a timeline. in july 25, 2010 assange releases afghan war documents. august 17th of that year, assange allegedly had sex with victory-a. sweden issues the art warrant. the next day sweden withdraws the warrant and decides they do not have a case. and under pressure they reopen the case. on october 25 of that year
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assange releases the iraq war logs. and then sweden issues an international arrest warrant. on december 7, 2010 assange is arrested in london. all this because one of the women says that while they were having sex once he didn't use a condom. pinochet 3,000 dead, they didn't extradite him. assange is alleged to not have used a condom. this is what one of the so-called victims said. it's quite wrong that we were afraid of him. he is not violent. it's good we have an international manhunt against him. and she said, the charges against assange were of course not orchestrated by the pentagon until we dropped the charge and then this was this pressure to bring the charges back on. oh, my god look at what this
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guy is it and that guy did. scott ritter said that he had no weapons of mass destruction and sex charge. sex charge after sex charge. julian, i can't believe he had that kind of sex. he must be guilty. this is sickening. u.s. government, cut the crap, okay. you don't want your horrible secrets revealed? i got a crazy idea for you. don't do those horrible acts. i'm an american. i chose to be an american citizen because i love this country and i love the idea of what it stands for. can we actually stand for it? can we actually do the right thingdo the rightthing, and stand for the right thing. if anybody reveals it, then we got to say extradite it, trump up charge in sweden and get the u.k. to arrest them. oh, my god there was no condom.
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and then the press goes after him with a terrible article about assange saying he doesn't flush the toilet sometimes. great journalism, "new york times"." sometimes he's mean to his cat. do you know why? because they're jealous. they suck at their job. they have not held the government accountable at all. how dare you tell the people of the world what our government is up to. we've been working with them. we've been cooperating with them. "new york times," you do the to be embarrassed. the entire rest of the media you ought to be embarrass. julian assange should be your hero. instead what do you do? you help the government smear this guy. don't you tell anyone that it's about the sex charge. he could be questioned tomorrow. he could go to sweden tomorrow. as long as they don't extradite him to a dangerous country the
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united states of america. let him go. we'll be right back. [ ♪ music ♪ ]
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[ ♪ theme music ♪ ] >> cenk: do you remember john corzine. he used to be the ceo of goldman sachs, and then he was the governor of new jersey. and then he ran a company into the ground. they cannot find $9 million that
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was the client's money. how did corzine explain all that? >> i never gave any instruction to misuse customer funds. i never asked anyone at mf global to misuse customer funds. i was stunned to learn that hundreds of millions of dollars of funds was missing. >> cenk: oops, did i misplace overalmost a billion dollars. what is our government going to do? as usual not a goddamn thing. $1.2 billion gone. reports are out that there will be no criminal charge as usual. can you imagine someone comes and takes your money. they take all of your money $1.2 billion. oh no, sorry no, criminal charges. let me tell but gary williams.
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25 years old in california. he got 25 years to life in prison. he must have done something terrible. stole a slice of pizza. you got three streets strikes in california, he had done other things in california that added up. you wear a nice suit, a tie you're a politician or contribute to politician, nothing. but here, 25 years to life. i wonder if we have two different justice systems here in the united states. the losers at the justice department oh golly gee, we can't find anything at goldman sachs. how about the e-mails where they say, we ripped off our clients sold them crap. oh $1.2 billion missing john corzine our buddy wouldn't do that. he's just a moron.
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he lost people's money. goddamn it there is no justice in this country. another sense of it. corporate cabses are so high. my ass they're high. 26 companies mega corporations in the 2011, paid their ceo more than they paid federal taxes. you we can't pay our taxes but you can pay your ceo. average profits was $1.4 billion for those 26 companies. not the combination of the companies. average profit was $1.4 billion. why the hell didn't you pay taxes? because they bought the government. they give money to the politicians, and in return they edit subsidies tax loopholes. let me give you examples. first, look at these companies halliburton. their coe got $16 million. how much did they pay in taxes? negative $1.026 billion. they paid a negative. that means we paid halliburton.
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you had a great profit? give your money to the ceo and then we'll give you profit on top. boeing we gave them $605 million in taxes. atatt & t, money out of our pockets to give them more money. and this is--this is frustrating, man. let me show you how much money they're taking from us. if they didn't get the tax subsidies, the u.s. tax payers would have gotten $14.14 billion. that's $46 for every american. they took $46 the out of your pocket your wife's pocket, your kids pockets and gave it to the richrichest people.
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that could have been 211,732 mother elementary school teachers. i can by my own teachers. you need teachers, screw your kids. i'll take more. they have bought our democracy. they have bought our government. this is a goddamn cry. i'll bring in a guy who did a move on it. it's called "heist: who stole the american dream." let me show a clip from the movie, first. >> this is not just about the crash at wall street. it's not just about the recession. what has happened has revealed how rotten underneath the u.s. economy has become. >> big business does not like the government to tell it what to do. it doesn't want anybody to interview with their ability to make money in the way that they see fit. >> cenk: all right now the
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coproducer and codirector of that movie is donald, great to have you. >> great to be here. >> cenk: we've shone "heist" in terms of what this do. how do they do it? >> they have bought and paid for the congress, white house, they have helped to set up a supreme court over the decades that is increasingly right wing, but also increasingly corporate. in fact, the villain in our piece, the beginning villain the supreme court justice who wrote a secret memo called the "powell memo" in which he laid out a grand strategy for how corporations could take over this country. >> cenk: this is not fiction. this is absolutely true. he writes for the chamber of commerce, and they said, brilliant idea, welcome to the supreme court.
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in 1976 buckley versus valeo, and deciding justice louis powell. it case corporations can spend money on politicians. guess what, at the end of the day they bought all the politicians. so look, how do we end this nightmare? i know it's an impossible question, but donald give it a shot. >> well, what we see in the film or what we i will plus illustrate is that people have to organize from the bottom up and challenge from the top simultaneously. we give examples of how people can begin to disengage themselves from these mega corporations and frankly from a very corrupt two-party system that does not work for anybody any more. we're not suggesting that they start a third party but the
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united states has a history of a third party that pushes reforms in this country. it will take challengeing a cheveron in california. and you know what happened in richmond last week. there is a progressive group in richmond that took cheveron to task put an initiative on the ballot and got them taxed 434 times previously what they were taxed at. we also show how to move your money. that's the simplest, most important thing that americans should learn how to do. take your money out of these big banks. >> cenk: until they turn around and say oh, golly gee, how did we lose your money. >> oh, no, the federal reserve will write another check. and the department of justice of course will continue their deferred prosecution agreements. that's the deal. >> cenk: it's sickening. >> credit unions is what we
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propose. >> cenk: that's not a bad idea, and look into credit unions and the movie "heist." donald, we appreciate it. when we come back the republicans are crying, oh my
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of sununu, you're wrong. mitt romney, you're wrong. we need more teachers, not fewer teachers and more cops and more firefighters that support our
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there she is ! hey, i got a leak ! yoo hoo ! wait a minute, come back ! um, miss ? up here! right. like 85% of us you have hard water stains and that cleaner's not gonna cut it. truth is, you need something powerful. you need lime-a-way. it's 4 times more effective at removing limescale than the leading bathroom cleaner.
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because lime-a-way is specially formulated to conquer hard water stains. for lime, calcium and rust... lime-a-way is a must. admitted that that look, we were able to keep a lot of the folks because of the stimulus. >> bill: absolutely. again, do you great work, judd. thank you. all of your colleagues at think progress. we'll see you again next [ ♪ theme music ♪ ] >> cenk: all right, as the republicans complain about how the democrats are hateful and they've got these four conservatives rolling the country. first of all there is a new movie out about according to
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highway 61 entertainment this is barack obama's real father. ha, ha ha, this ought to be good. this is sent in from tamika, one of our viewers. she told us that they're giving out hundreds of copies of this ridiculous cd. she got this in ohio. watch what they're pushing you. >> my father was foreign student student, borne and raised in a small village in kenya. he grew up herding goats. >> frank marshal davis writer. >> cenk: the real frank marshall davis was a labor activist, a poet, and yes, a socialist. he is not barack obama's father. of course! now what is amazing they've come around to, can you believe that
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muslim with the kenyan father? plus that's not even his real father. it's the communist. muslim communist. lunatics. sending this out all over ohio to try to swing the votes. meanwhile, you've got the guy who swung the vote in 2004 with a swift vote campaign. now he has a crazyier theory about obama. >> there is the question whether or not barack obama is gay or bisexual. these are the pictures that lisa jack took in the 70s early 71'71, '72. again he has got a wedding ring on. it's amazing. he's not married as far as we know, unless of course this is a love affair with his pakistani male roommate. >> cenk: just when i thought they couldn't get any crazier. a gay pack stack pakistani love.
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how do you beat that, right? well meg da go mega death is going to give it a shot. >> he's trying to pass a gun ban, so he's staging all of these rumors like fast and furious down at the border, and in aurora, colorado, they were all killed there. and now the beautiful people at the sikh temple. i don't know where i'm going to live if america gets going the way it's going. maybe singapore. >> cenk: obama did the shootings so he could pass gun control? oh, i don't even have to say anything about that. that's so sickening. what about these idiots and heavy metal rockers who poop in their pants. that's a reference to ted nugent
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who got out of vietnam by crapping all over himself, that coward. let's go to gellar who is putting out these billboards. you can see there. in any war between the civilized man and the savage, support the civilized man support israel defeat jihad. she does that display over and over again. i want to end this on the good note. the anti-defamation league said, quote, afdi presents itself as a pro-israel group--referring to her group--our sense is that it's just a mischaracterization of who they are. they are an anti-muslim group and you don't have to be anti-muslim to be anti-inflammatory we all got to
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fight together against these crazies. it doesn't matter what your race or religion is, we're all americans. we got to bind together and say not this time. we're not going to let you get away with it. when we come back, we're going to talk about global warming i mean the western united states is on fire. what does paul ryan want to do about it? of course, not a damn thing. >> rages blades. more than 60 uncontained fires are taking over the west. oregon, nevada, utah on fire. left twix factory cascades caramel and chocolate onto cookie, while right twix factory flows caramel and chocolate onto cookie. today they share nothing but a wrapper and a driveway. try both and pick a side.
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[ ♪ theme music ♪ ] >> cenk: all right, you know you've heard a lot about paul ryan, but you may not have heard exactly how conservative he is. in 2004 he pushed for a social security privatization plan that was so radical that even george w. bush called it irresponsible. he has almost the identical record to michelle bachmann in
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his voting record. do you know he would be the most extreme vice presidential candidate according to his voting record since 1900. that's over 100 years. the most extreme. so he is as conservative a v.p. candidate as we've had in an enormously long time. now meanwhile before i get to his record on climate change let me tell what you is happening in this country. we've had the most widest reaching droughts. we've got 58,000 dead fish showing up in the des moines river. we have the mississippi river with more salt in it now because of 40-year lows. it's effecting our crops our trade, all of it. >> the long hot summer of 2012 has a stretch of blaze. here is the maps. wildfires in ten states, 62 fires flames 15 feet high and
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families on the run. this year alone an area the size of new jersey has become scorched earth. >> cenk: meanwhile, what does paul ryan, the ridiculously conservative congressman said unilateral economic restraint in the name of fighting global warming has been a tough sell in our communities where much of the state is buried under snow. [ ha, ha ha ] it snowed in wisconsin in 2009 so we must not have climate change. is anyone that stupid or do you have to pay someone to say something like that. i'm voting for the latter. let's go to mark who cares deeply about the environment. mark, how bad is this? >> it comes on the heels of what was already a drought season five years ago. we're on a cycle of drought that is really quite bad. you mentioned really, and ran down some of the issues, but the midwest is being consumed by fire.
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that's one of the collateral aspects of these droughts. these mega fires are being fueled, if you will, by dry conditions. so you have extraordinaryily dry conditions. you don't have the show melts that would mitigate fires in the west. as a result, you're getting these mega fires. we're used to surface fires in the west which can thin the brush and it's nature's way of keeping the forest handled. but now we're getting these mega fires both because of the way we deforest and the way we manage, if you want to think of the western u.s. forestry, but also because of these drought situations. the drought is much greater. it's encompassing more states than in a typical drought scenario. >> cenk: it's a bit of a vicious cycle. you have drier air and then it gets hotter. you put it together, and then you get fire. you have people who say oh, we've always had fires.
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how do you answer that. >> the stuff related to weather in extremes, as far as these droughts go, the fires go, the forest fires, they're far more intense in the last 50 years than ever before in our history. these records really go back to the 1800s. if you graft the temperatures, if you graft everything that is sort of following the industrial boom, it is a direct korlative. some how this is the earth's cycle--no. it's way way accelerate: it's way too fast to be the earth cycle. >> let me bring in others and we can talk about two facts. paul ryan has taken $100,000 for his super pac from the koch brothers. they don't want you to believe in global warming because they want to keep on polluting. i wonder if that has anything to
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do with it. the climate change in canada. only 2% of canadians don't believe in global warming. >> they have the same information as we do. we're swallowing the it's a cycle thing. >> cenk: no, i don't think they are getting the cycling thing. they don't get fox news in canada. >> i think you're serious. the same information exists but it's not being shared in the same a. >> cenk: ana, how much of this is the fact that we have a system that is captured by the people like koch brothers who have a financial incentive to pollute. >> that has a lot to do with it. but it has to do a lot with personal responsibility. people like to hear, it's not your fault. it's not a human thing. you don't have to change your lifestyle. don't worry about it. it's a earth cycle. i think personal responsibility has much to do with it as the koch brothers do. >> that is probably a very good
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point. we americans fall to the path of least resistence. it will work its way out. a, it's probably not us. and b the smart guys will figure out a way to cheat our way out of it. >> cenk: if you drink out of a plastic bottle mark gets pissed. >> that's right. >> cenk: we got to go, but here is one guy i got to get to is eliot spitzer. what's on "viewpoint" next. >> eliot: one of the things that koch brothers funded the professor out at uc-berkeley. he came back and said, no, you're all wet. it's real and it's dangerous. get him on your show. we're going to talk about the magic number of the day 13%. mitt actually paid 13% but he'll figure out how to move more money overseas. it will be a fun show. >> cenk: i can't wait, as usual. thank you, eliot. >> eliot: thank you. >> cenk: when we come back we'll have fun with progressive aggressive saying hollywood is
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too liberal really? stick around. >> how long have you been a republican? >> well, about just after that last one i became-- >> oh, i see.
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[ ♪ theme music ♪ ] >> cenk: kellsry grammar is the star of the hit show, and he has this theory. >> i think it's possible. >> what. >> i mean, i am a--i'm a declared out of the closet republican out in hollywood. >> aaah. [applause] >> so--do i believe it's possible that some young person, young voting or older voting member at the emmys would sit and go, that's a great performance. but to take everything that he stands for. >> you can't think that way. >> cenk: that's an interesting case for that theory.
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you heard that hollywood is liberal. a lot of actors are. but what about hollywood. walt disney went all the way to congress and said this. >> corporate taxes have to be looked at carefully. this country is a country that is charging among the highest rates in the world in terms of corporate taxes. in order for us to be competitive with the world we have got to take a very serious look at our corporate tax structure. >> cenk: nonsense. one of the lowest rates in the world when you look at effective taxes. they're just as conservative as all the other companies and they push for things like sopa, massively conservative. and this was a guy who elected twice from the hollywood gild and was beloved by conservatives, oh, yeah
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